
Round stores all groups that should play roughly at the same time.

Creating a new round class

Basic construction

include_once 'vendor/autoload.php';

$tournament = new TournamentGenerator\Tournament('Tournament name');

$round = new TournamentGenerator\Round('Round name');


From a round class

This automatically assigns the round to the round.

include_once 'vendor/autoload.php';

$tournament = new TournamentGenerator\Tournament('Tournament name');

$round = $tournament->round('Round name');

Tournament class can be also replaced by a Category

include_once 'vendor/autoload.php';

$tournament = new TournamentGenerator\Tournament('Tournament name');

$category = $tournament->category('Category name');

$round = $category->round('Round name');


Scope Name Type Default Description
protected $name string '' Name of the round
protected $id string|int null Id of the round
private $groups array [] List of round groups
private $games array [] List of round games
private $teams array [] List of teams
private $allowSkip bool false If true, generator will skip unplayed games without throwing exception


Method list

Scope Name Return Description
public __construct $this Construct method
public __toString string Returns the name of the round
public setName $this Sets name of the round.
public getName string Gets name of the round.
public setId $this Sets id of the round.
public getId string|int Gets id of the round.
public allowSkip $this Allow skipping of unplayed games while progressing.
public disallowSkip $this Disllow skipping of unplayed games while progressing.
public setSkip $this Sets whether to skip unplayed games while progressing or not.
public getSkip bool Gets whether to skip unplayed games while progressing or not.
public addGroup $this Adds created Group to Round.
public group TournamentGenerator\Round Creates and adds new Group to Round.
public getGroups array Gets an array of all Groups from Round.
public getGroupsIds array Gets an array of all Group ids from Round.
public orderGroups array Sorts all Groups from Round.
public addTeam $this Adds created Team to Round.
public team new TournamentGenerator\Team Creates and adds new Team to Round.
public getTeams array Gets an array of all Teams from Round.
public sortTeams array Sorts all Teams from Round and returns them.
public genGames array Generates all the Games of the Round.
public getGames array Gets an array of all Games from Round.
public isPlayed bool Returns true if all Games have been played.
public splitTeams $this Splits all Teams from Round to given Groups (or all Groups from a Round).
public progress $this Progresses all the Teams.
public simulate $this Simulate all Games from this Round just like it was really played.
public resetGames $this Resets the results of all Games in Round.

Round __construct(string $name, string|int $id = null)

Creates a new Round class

Name Type Default Description
$name string '' Name of the round
$id string|int '' Name of the round
Return value
new TournamentGenerator\Round();


public function __construct(string $name = '', $id = null) {
    $this->setId(isset($id) ? $id : uniqid());

public string __toString()

Returns round name

Return value
string $this->name;


public function __toString() {
    return $this->name;

public Round setName(string $name)

Sets the name of the round.

Name Type Default Description
$name string Name of the round
Return value
TournamentGenerator\Round $this


public function setName(string $name) {
    $this->name = $name;
    return $this;

public string getName()

Gets the name of the round.

Return value
string $this->name;


public function getName() {
    return $this->name;

public Round setId(string|int $id)

Sets the name of the round.

Id Type Default Description
$id string|int Id of the round
Return value
TournamentGenerator\Round $this


public function setId($id) {
    if (!is_string($id) && !is_int($id)) {
        $this->id = uniqid();
        throw new \Exception('Unsupported id type ('.gettype($id).') - expected type of string or int');
    $this->id = $id;

public string|int getId()

Gets the name of the round.

Return value
string|int $this->id;


public function getId() {
    return $this->id;

public Round allowSkip()

Allow skipping of unplayed games while progressing.

Return value
TournamentGenerator\Round $this


public function allowSkip(){
    $this->allowSkip = true;
    return $this;

public Round disallowSkip()

Disallow skipping of unplayed games while progressing.

Return value
TournamentGenerator\Round $this


public function disallowSkip(){
    $this->allowSkip = false;
    return $this;

public Round setSkip(bool $skip)

Sets whether an unplayed games should be skipped while progressing or not.

Name Type Default Description
$skip bool Skip or not
Return value
TournamentGenerator\Round $this


public function setSkip(bool $skip) {
    $this->allowSkip = $skip;
    return $this;

public bool getSkip()

Gets whether an unplayed games should be skipped while progressing or not.

Return value
bool $this->allowSkip


public function getSkip(bool $skip) {
    return $this->allowSkip;

public Round addGroup(TournamentGenerator\Group ...$groups)

Adds created Group to Round.

Name Type Default Description
$groups TournamentGenerator\Group [] One or more instances of Group class.
Return value


public function addGroup(Group ...$groups){
    foreach ($groups as $group) {
        $this->groups[] = $group;
    return $this;

public Group group(string $name)

Creates and adds new Group to Round.

Name Type Default Description
$name string '' Name of the new Group.
$id string|int null Id of the new Group.
Return value
new TournamentGenerator\Group


public function group(string $name, $id = null) {
    $g = new Group($name, $id);
    $this->groups[] = $g->setSkip($this->allowSkip);
    return $g;

public array getGroups()

Gets an array of all Groups from Round.

Return value
array of TournamentGenerator\Group


public function getGroups(){
    return $this->groups;

public array getGroupsIds()

Gets an array of all Group ids from Round.

Return value
array of TournamentGenerator\Group::$id


public function getGroupsIds() {
    return array_map(function($a) { return $a->getId(); }, $this->groups);

public array orderGroups()

Sorts all Groups from Round.

Return value
array of TournamentGenerator\Group


public function orderGroups() {
    usort($this->groups, function($a, $b){
        return $a->getOrder() - $b->getOrder();
    return $this->groups;

public Round addTeam(TournamentGenerator\Team ...$teams)

Adds created Team to Round.

Name Type Default Description
$teams TournamentGenerator\Team [] One or more instances of Team class.
Return value


public function addTeam(Team ...$teams) {
    foreach ($teams as $team) {
        $this->teams[] = $team;
    return $this;

public Team team(string $name)

Creates and adds new Team to Round.

Name Type Default Description
$name string '' Name of the new Team.
$id string|int null Id of the new Team.
Return value
new TournamentGenerator\Team


public function team(string $name = '', $id = null) {
    $t = new Team($name, $id);
    $this->teams[] = $t;
    return $t;

public array getTeams(bool $ordered = false, $ordering = POINTS)

Gets an array of all Teams from Round. If passed true as the first argument, teams will be ordered.

Name Type Default Description
$ordered bool false If teams should be ordered.
$ordering \TournamentGenerator\Constants::POINTS | \TournamentGenerator\Constants::SCORE \TournamentGenerator\Constants::POINTS What to order the teams by.
$filters array [] Filters to filter the teams.
Return value
array of TournamentGenerator\Team


public function getTeams(bool $ordered = false, $ordering = \TournamentGenerator\Constants::POINTS, array $filters = []) {
    $teams = $this->teams;
    foreach ($this->rounds as $round) {
        $teams = \array_merge($teams, $round->getTeams());
    $teams = \array_unique($teams);
    $this->teams = $teams;
    if ($ordered) $teams = $this->sortTeams($ordering);

    $filter = new Filter($this->getGroups(), $filters);

    return $teams;

public array sortTeams($ordering = POINTS)

Sorts all Teams from Round and returns them.

Name Type Default Description
$ordering \TournamentGenerator\Constants::POINTS | \TournamentGenerator\Constants::SCORE \TournamentGenerator\Constants::POINTS What to order the teams by.
$filters array [] Filters to filter the teams.
Return value
array of TournamentGenerator\Team


public function sortTeams($ordering = \TournamentGenerator\Constants::POINTS, array $filters = []) {
    $teams = Utilis\Sorter\Teams::sortRound($this->teams, $this, $ordering);

    $filter = new Filter($this->getGroups(), $filters);

    return $teams;

public array genGames()

Generates all Games from Round.

Return value
array of TournamentGenerator\Game


public function genGames(){
    foreach ($this->groups as $group) {
        $this->games = array_merge($this->games, $group->orderGames());
    return $this->games;

public array getGames()

Gets an array of all Games from Round.

Return value
array of TournamentGenerator\Game


public function getGames() {
    return $this->games;

public bool isPlayed()

Returns true if all Games have been played.

Return value


public function isPlayed(){
    if (count($this->games) === 0) return false;
    foreach ($this->groups as $group) {
        if (!$group->isPlayed()) return false;
    return true;

public bool splitTeams(TournamentGenerator\Round ...$wheres)

Split all Teams from Round into given Rounds. If no argument is given, method will split into all available Rounds in Round.

Name Type Default Description
$wheres TournamentGenerator\Round [] One or more instances of Round class to split the teams into.
Return value


public function splitTeams(Group ...$groups) {

    if (count($groups) === 0) $groups = $this->getGroups();

    $teams = $this->getTeams();

    while (count($teams) > 0) {
        foreach ($groups as $group) {
            if (count($teams) > 0) $group->addTeam(array_shift($teams));
    return $this;

public Round progress(bool $returnTime)

Progresses all the Teams.

Return value


public function progress(bool $blank = false){
    foreach ($this->groups as $group) {
    return $this;

public Round simulate(bool $returnTime)

Simulate all Games from this Round just like it was really played.

Return value


public function simulate() {
    return $this;

public Round resetGames(bool $returnTime)

Resets the results of all Games in Round.

Return value


public function resetGames() {
    foreach ($this->groups as $group) {
    return $this;