
Progressions are used in order to move teams from one group to another. This can be used to progress the winning teams to semi-finals and finals round, but you can also progress teams between groups in different categories and even tournaments if you ever needed to.

Creating a progression

Progression always takes teams from a group and sorts them by their results in that group. It works the same and uses an array_splice() function.

$progression = new \TournamentGenerator\Progression($from, $to, $start = 0, $length = count($from->teams));

But the recommended way is to initialize a Progression class straight on the Group class.

$group->progression($to, $start = 0, $length = count($group->teams));
  • $from
    • group to progress from
  • $to
    • group to progress to
  • $start
    • offset to start picking teams
    • if the offset is positive then the start of the progressed portion is at that offset from the beginning of the teams array
    • if the offset is negative then the start of the progressed portion is at that offset from the end of the teams array
  • $length
    • how many teams to progress from the offset
    • If length is omitted, removes everything from offset to the end of the teams array
    • If length is specified and is positive, then that many teams will be progressed
    • If length is specified and is negative, then the end of the progressed portion will be that many teams from the end of the teams array
    • If length is specified and is zero, no teams will be progressed

Using a progression

Once you setup a Progression on a Group, you can call progress() method an the Group and all teams will be moved based on the specified rules.

$group->progression($finalGroup, 0, 2); // Progress 2 best teams

Play the first group

$group->progress();  // Progress all the teams based on their results in $group

$finalGroup now has 2 teams from $group and can be played

Progressing with blank teams

Blank teams are just "team frames" that are used in generating a bracket in advance. They occupy an empty space in a game and can be used to only generate and save the bracket without any results being saved.

You can make a progression create these blank teams on progress() method just by giving it an argument true;


Using filters and progression

You can also use filters in Progressions.

Please refer to Filters example