Game containers

Game containers are specialized containers for Game objects. Apart from normal BaseContainer features, it allows for automatic game ID setting. This id increment is propagated through the whole container hierarchy.

use TournamentGenerator\Containers\GameContainer;
use TournamentGenerator\Game;
use TournamentGenerator\Group;
use TournamentGenerator\Team;

$parentContainer = new GameContainer(1);

$childContainer1 = new GameContainer(2);
$childContainer2 = new GameContainer(3);
$parentContainer->addChild($childContainer1, $childContainer2);

$parentContainer->getAutoIncrement(); // 1
$childContainer1->getAutoIncrement(); // 1
$childContainer2->getAutoIncrement(); // 1

/** @var Team $team1 */
/** @var Team $team2 */
/** @var Group $group */

$game = new Game([$team1, $team2], $group);
$game->setId($childContainer1->getAutoIncrement()); // Set game's id to 1

$parentContainer->getAutoIncrement(); // 2
$childContainer1->getAutoIncrement(); // 2
$childContainer2->getAutoIncrement(); // 2


$parentContainer->getAutoIncrement(); // 3
$childContainer1->getAutoIncrement(); // 3
$childContainer2->getAutoIncrement(); // 3

HasGames objects

Objects that implement the HasGames interface will have a game container.

use TournamentGenerator\Round;
use TournamentGenerator\Team;

$round = new Round();
$groupA = $round->group('A');
$groupB = $round->group('B');

// $round, $groupA and $groupB all have a GameContainer that are linked the same as the objects itself

$round->getGameContainer()->getAutoIncrement(); // 1
$groupA->getGameContainer()->getAutoIncrement(); // 1
$groupB->getGameContainer()->getAutoIncrement(); // 1

/** @var Team $team1 */
/** @var Team $team2 */

$game = $groupA->game([$team1, $team2]); // This automatically sets the game's id and auto-increments
$game->getId(); // 1

$round->getGameContainer()->getAutoIncrement(); // 2
$groupA->getGameContainer()->getAutoIncrement(); // 2
$groupB->getGameContainer()->getAutoIncrement(); // 2

Setting the autoincrement start

If your database already has some games stored, you can pass its autoincrement value to the GameContainer.

use TournamentGenerator\Containers\GameContainer;

$container = new GameContainer(1);

$container->getAutoIncrement(); // 999
$container->getAutoIncrement(); // 1000